Do you feel like there are not enough hours in the day to take care of yourself? Ever feel like your needs take a backseat to everything else until there is no time left? If you consider exercise an important part of self care, consider the following:

Scenario: I have a full time job and go to class until 8:30, but I know I need to get in shape. What are some good exercises for a beginner that I can fit into my busy schedule?

Solution: It can be difficult to find time to exercise. We may know it is necessary and really want to try, but new projects and especially busy days at work can make it seem nearly impossible. It is important, therefore, to realize that you will never be able to find time to exercise. You have to make time.

It may shock you to know that as little as three hours a week is all you need to reap the benefits of a regular exercise routine. The following program will show you how to start working out —


  • Monday: Thirty minutes of biking on hills, jogging or any other type of intense aerobic exercise that you might like.
  • Tuesday: Thirty minutes of resistance (strength) training. For beginners, this can mean sit-ups, pushups or squats. The more experienced can incorporate dumbbells or weightlifting machines.
  • Wednesday: Rest.
  • Thursday: Repeat Monday’s routine.
  • Friday: Repeat Tuesday.
  • Saturday: A full hour of any type of exercise you might enjoy. Hiking with your family, rollerblading with friends or swimming laps in a pool are great ideas.
  • Sunday: Rest.


Challenging yourself to work harder will also make your exercise routine more time-efficient. You can walk two miles in thirty minutes or run four miles in the same amount of time. Spend one hour in step aerobics class or twenty minutes on a rowing machine set at the highest resistance level. Using a challenging resistance level and moving quickly through the exercises will help add an aerobic benefit to your strength training routine.


You have to make exercise as big a part of your life as your daily grooming routine if you want to get fit. The following ideas can help keep you on track:

  • Create a log of your activities for a week and see where you can fit some exercise into a time slot. Doing something as simple as turning off the TV for an hour or getting up thirty minutes earlier can give you more time to work out.
  • Make it convenient to exercise. Decide whether it is better to workout near your home or closer to your office. If you have the discipline and the space, working out at home is fine.
  • Find and develop relationships with people who will support your goals. Joining a gym with friends or a local aerobics class can help provide you with like-minded people who will hold you accountable if you skip a day.
  • Figure out what time is the right time for you. In other words, decide what time you are most likely to want to exercise and stick to it. Early mornings might work if you know that you might end up working late or have emergency meetings. Before dinner workouts tend to work best if you are a night owl. Even if all you can fit in is a ten minute walk during your lunch break, do that. A little exercise is better than none at all, and doing a little here and there can help motivate you to find time for longer workouts.


Benefits of Exercise

If you need more encouragement to get fit, think about the following benefits of regular exercise:

  • Exercise can help you get stronger and feel less tired.
  • It will help your lungs and heart work more efficiently.
  • Exercise helps the immune system while reducing stress, fatigue and anxiety.
  • Exercise gives you more energy for work and recreation.
  • Exercise enhances your mental outlook by releasing hormones that help you see things from a different perspective and develop new ideas.


These and many other benefits are why you should make time for exercise.